Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What?, I thought you could not exercise when you have been prescribed to pregnancy bedrest. NOT TRUE says leading expert in the field, Darline Turner-Lee. I am a huge advocate for movement, if for no other reason than to make you feel better, feel human. Lord knows pregnancy takes its toll and healthy pregnant women have options. They can perform regular modified workouts throughout pregnancy, but what if you have been prescribed bedrest. Your once active body, told to sit in a bed until your baby is born. Loosing muscle tone (needed post partum), slowing circulation, and generally feeling helpless. This is what most obstetricians will lead you to believe about pregnancy bedrest. Today I want to introduce a guest blogger Darline Turner-Lee, she has some ground breaking information regarding pregnancy exercise and bedrest. I was struck by her right away when I met her, I am very excited to have her posting on Baby Bump Pregnancy Fitness. Pregnant women on bedrest- you do have options.

Hi My name is Darline Turner-Lee and I am a physician assistant, clinical exercise
specialist, certified perinatal fitness instructor and the owner of Bedrest Comfort & Care.
My company provides resources and services to pregnant women on prescribed bed rest.
The company developed as a result of the success of my fitness DVD, Bedrest Fitness.
This DVD is a set of safe and effective modified prenatal exercises designed specifically for pregnant women on prescribed bed rest.

Movement and strength training are very important for women on bed rest as physical activity helps women labor and deliver (vaginally) more effectively and to have the strength and stamina to care for themselves and their newborns in the early post partum and beyond. According to data released in 2007 from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)women who are immobile for just 60 days lose nearly 25% of their muscle mass and up to half of their muscle strength. Pregnant women on bed rest are also at increased risk of developing
blood clots in their legs which could travel to their lungs, heart, or brain and be fatal. The NASA study noted that as little as 40 minutes of movement daily can stop these negative effects and avoid potential health risks. This is equal to just 2% of the time that they spend in bed during a 60 day period!

One day there may not be a need to put pregnant women on prescribed bed rest. But until we have other options, Bedrest Fitness is available to help keep a woman healthy and strong.

Darline Turner-Lee

Physician Assistant, ACSM Clinical Exercise Specialist, Health Care Writer

Next Step Fitness, Inc and Bedrest Comfort & Care

6705 Hwy. 290 West, Ste 502 #283, Austin, TX 78735


Thanks Darline that was a great information session. Mamas on Bedrest fills a much needed gap in the fitness industry giving pregnant women prescribed to bedrest fitness options. To check out some of Darline's exercises and her new DVD visit MOMS


pregnancy exercises said...

even I don't suggest bed rest in delivery times. your body need some exercise everyday to keep you fit. but expert suggestion is important to know what are best at pregnancy time.

Amelia Emma said...

These are truly amongst the wonderful informative blogs.
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