Thursday, November 27, 2008

Don't Slip- LATERAL TRAINING For Pregnancy

Around your 4th month of pregnancy you could begin to lose your balance. Your pelvis is opening, you are using your gluts, lateral (outside) leg muscles in a different way and your baby bump is starting to show. Try this simple lateral exercise suitable for any stage of pregnancy. You can use any style resistance band- one with handles, a small closed loop or one like in the photo.

You want to tense your abdominals and stand tall, then take a step sideways keeping your foot pointing straight ahead. You want to feel a burn in the side of your upper thigh.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Winter Has Arrived

It looks like the snow is here to stay here in Toronto. Along with snow, there is ice and traitorous walking conditions for a pregnant woman. This is only amplified if you are carrying another child to the car and trying to lift them into their car seat. During our brutal winter last year I was pregnant and was carrying my toddler to the car as our driveway was under construction. I used a set of anti-slip grips on my winter boots to avoid any accidents. There are 2 types you can get. There is a set you can get at your local Shoppers Drug mart that are a rubber web with wire coils on them that fit onto the bottom of your boots. They cost about 15$ and work well on snow and ice, they are extremely slippery indoors though and I almost had a spill on the TTC out local transit system. There is another brand that runners use and can found at the Running Room link, depending on the style of your boot it may fit these and they work great, but again are not recommended for any indoor use. Most outdoor outfitters (MEC, EuropeBound) will have some form of anti slip footwear and it may be worth your while as it looks like we are in for a long winter.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Born

Please read my post regarding the most important day of my life at link .

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pregnancy Nutrition

For all of my pregnancy nutrition advice I consult with a naturopathic doctor. During my first pregnancy the owner of a company I worked for referred me to see a new employee and indicated she was "really good". She had a diploma in natural nutrition. This did not cut it for me, she did not answer my pregnancy nutrition questions directly and I later realized my diet plan was exactly the same as my male colleague that was a few years younger than me. I sought out more for myself and my growing baby bump. I found a great naturopathic doctor. She has been able to clarify all of the small questions and tweak my diet in order to have a fit pregnancy. Her name is Dr. Jen Cassles. I was fairly educated, I knew things like I needed a good quality EssentialFattyAcid, but she ordered me one with the ideal DHA/EPA ratio for pregnancy and nursing, as it is not the same when not pregnant. She has written the FREE Nutrition downloads available with newsletter subscription, and her contact details are available.

I know seeing a Naturopathic Doctor is a luxury item and I am lucky to be able to trade services. I urge if you are going to seek out nutritional advice, go straight to the top and book an hour with a Naturopath. You will get nutritional advice as well as advice on any of your medical conditions, they are doctors. Price for service- this is a great value and I believe many of them undercharge according to average medical service industry rates.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Joint Laxity- Modified Piriformis Stretch

Due to release of the hormone relaxin your joints are more lax. If you have ever suffered from hypermobility or a knee problem such as torn MCL ligament you have to be even more careful while stretching during pregnancy. I suggest all mothers use the modified piriformis stretch instead of the traditional stretch after their 1st trimester, it is not necessary, but it is the better way to save your knee joint from avoidable stress.

Modified Piriformis Stretch

Start on all 4's, cross your leg behind your other leg using hip external rotation, make a wider base of support with your hands and push your hip out (like disco dancing) of the side that the leg is crossed and sit back slightly. It may take a few tries, but once you find it, this is a deep stretch.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Courtesy of Jacqueline at BABY BUMP FITNESS for all JFIT PREGNANCY BUMPS, click on the link and print off the page for 30% off NIKE in Toronto and surrounding areas, view or print this offer

Enjoy shopping.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I'm sure you are extremely fatigued and many days exercise is the last thing on your mind. If you can manage to peel yourself away from your chair you will feel more energized. Simple ways to help combat pregnancy fatigue;

1. Eat a balanced diet-include protein in each snack
2. Eat often- do not allow your blood sugar to drop
3. Drink plenty of water-allow your body to increase its blood volume as needed and combat muscle cramps
4. Take power naps if possible- even 10 minutes at work can help
5. Schedule more breaks into your work day- it's only temporary, people understand
6. Don't allow yourself to get too hot-layer your clothing
7. Go to bed at least 1 hour earlier when pregnant - your body is working extremely hard reward it with proper rest.
8. Exercise- although your body is already working hard, 2-3 short exercise sessions/week are beneficial for mother and baby and help with fatigue

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great Exercise for Pregnancy

This is an isometric adductor squeeze, squeeze the stability ball for 10-30 seconds continuously. You can use different sized stability balls to isometrically strengthen your adductors in different ranges.

I am 9 months pregnant in this photo, this can be done during any time of your pregnancy and recovery. This exercise is easily managed late in pregnancy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

10 Reasons Why You Should Exercise During Pregnancy

Please view my published article at the link below.

Foam Rolling- Start Early

Prevent and manage piriformis syndrome. Foam rolling or the poor man's massage can literally save your a*s during pregnancy. Please refer to the photo's for tips on rolling your gluts and piriformis. Stay ahead of the game and try to prevent muscle cramps associated with later pregnancy. You can start by just sitting on the foam roller and rocking back and forth on one cheek for your gluts, cross your leg for a deeper result into your piriformis.
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