Due to release of the hormone relaxin your joints are more lax. If you have ever suffered from hypermobility or a knee problem such as torn MCL ligament you have to be even more careful while stretching during pregnancy. I suggest all mothers use the
modified piriformis stretch instead of the traditional stretch after their 1st trimester, it is not necessary, but it is the better way to save your knee joint from avoidable stress.
Modified Piriformis Stretch

Start on all 4's, cross your leg behind your other leg using hip external rotation, make a wider base of support with your hands and push your hip out (like disco dancing) of the side that the leg is crossed and sit back slightly. It may take a few tries, but once you find it, this is a deep stretch.
Thank you for sharing this, have been trying to find a good stretch to solve this very problem, and fortunately I was able to find the sweet spot pretty easily.
Personally I think overjoyed I discovered the blogs.
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