Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PREGNANCY EXERCISE -Preventing Hemorrhoids

Although I am a huge fan of performing a full squat exercise during pregnancy as it helps open the birth canal let look at some precautions as well. It is hard to maintain neutral spine, especially as your pregnancy progresses. Make sure you use a mirror to check your posture and a balance aid or stability ball to help maintain neutral spine during this exercise. One more issue to address is hemorrhoids- yes this exercise can help prevent or induce them-what? Yes you can help prevent hemorrhoids if you are cuing your pelvic floor muscles from the start of this exercise and if you began performing this exercise early in your pregnancy. Your muscles will be stronger in your pelvic floor and reduce the chance of hemorrhoids.

If you do suffer from hemorrhoids during your pregnancy they may be exacerbated by performing a full squat with a hold at the bottom of the range. So what do you do- well always cue your pelvic floor muscles (it will feel like stopping the flow of urine) and perform this exercise. NEVER hold your squat at the bottom range and return to standing. One other option is to slightly shorten your range of motion to reduce strain on your pelvic floor.

You may suffer hemorrhoids due to a number of pregnancy related issues such as slow gastrointestinal mobility, decrease in smooth muscle tone. It doesn't matter why, sometime they just come with the condition- but you can help by performing kegal exercises to prevent pooling of blood around your rectum. This means after performing your workout you should try and end with some kegals during your cool down as well. This will help prevent and reduce hemorrhoids. Cycling and other seated exercises may become uncomfortable during pregnancy due to hemorrhoids as well.

1 comment:

Ahank said...

Nicest information!!! I'll be enchanted to greatly help due to what I've learnt from here.

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